Featured News
Event: "Design for a Change" Presidential Lecture Series: Teddy Cruz on the Politics of Affordable Housing Location: Center for Architecture, 05.19.11 Speakers: Teddy...
Event: Best in Show: A Conversation with the Designers of 21st Century Lincoln Center Location: Center for Architecture, 05.04.11 Speakers: Elizabeth Diller --...
Event: Festival of Ideas for the New City Location: New Museum for Contemporary Art; NYU Kimmel Pavilion; Cooper Union Great Hall; Center for Architecture; Openhouse...
CFAF tour guests making their way through the East Side Access construction site. Catherine Teegarden and Tim Hayduk The Center for Architecture...
Event: The Skyscraper as Citizen: Reflections on the Public Life of Private Buildings Location: Center for Architecture, 04.25.11 Speaker: Henry N. Cobb, FAIA --...
Event: Alvar Aalto Houses: From Doorstep to Living Room, a Lecture by Professor Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen Location: Center for Architecture, 04.15.11 Speaker: Sirkkaliisa...
LBD:NY Design Educator Yves Roger (left); Urban Assembly School of Design and Construction students working on their bridge design project. Tim...
A student displays her skyscraper design during the Center for Architecture Foundation and Skyscraper Museum dual program. Tim Hayduk In 2008, the Center...
Courtesy Center for Architecture Foundation "Sunny Side Up," by Doris Sung. The Center for Architecture Foundation is pleased to announce the winner of...
Event: Building a Future with Haiti: A Grassroots Forum for Sustainable Development Location: Center for Architecture, 03.18.11 Speakers: Amy Stroud, ASLA -- Founder and...
Roberta Washington, FAIA, with C.S. 154 students. Tim Hayduk Last month, Roberta Washington, FAIA, Center for Architecture Foundation (CFAF) 2009 Board...
Event: Jugaad Urbanism Film Series: Salaam Bombay! Location: Center for Architecture, 02.25.11 Speakers: Mira Nair -- Director, "Salaam Bombay!;" Aseem Chhabra --...
Event: Studio@theCenter Location: Center for Architecture, 02.22-24.11 Two "Street Smart Designer" students (left); third-sixth graders participate in the "From...
Exhibition: "Jugaad Urbanism: Resourceful Strategies for Indian Cities" Location: Center for Architecture, 02.10-05.21.11 Exhibition Curator: Kanu Argawal Exhibition...
Event: PASSIVE HOUSE: TOWN & COUNTRY and Passive House 101 Location: Center for Architecture, 02.15.11 Speakers: Floris Keverling Buisman -- Principal, Vital...
Event: Family Day: Jugaad Urbanism: Designs for City Life Location: Center for Architecture, 02.19.11 Families visited the "Jugaad Urbanism" exhibition and then...
Event: Selections from Montreal International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA) Location: Center for Architecture, 01.29.11 Speakers: Peter Eisenman, FAIA -- Founder and...
Event: StudentDay@theCenter -- Urban Design Studio Location: Center for Architecture, 02.03.11 Educator: Heather Zusman Students present their urban...
Event: Design for Decades: Spaces for Learning Location: Center for Architecture, 01.19.11 Speakers: Daniel Heuberger, AIA, LEED AP -- Principal, Dattner Architects;...
Jennifer Golan Last week, 15 self-selected 11th- and 12th-grade students from the Urban Assembly School of Design and Construction, Brooklyn Technical High...
Event: Parks Design Manual Launch Location: Center for Architecture, 01.06.11 Speakers: Adrian Benepe -- Commissioner, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation; Deborah...
The Center for Architecture Foundation has announced the winners of the 2010 Stewardson Keefe LeBrun Travel Grant, which was established to further the personal and...
CFAF students built a model of a town from the Middle Ages. Catherine Teegarden This fall, 14 eight-to-10-year-old students were studying the Middle Ages as...
Event: Dharavi Slum for Sale Premiere / "Jugaad Urbanism" Exhibition Preview Location: SVA Silas Theatre, 11.19.10 Speaker: Lutz Konermann -- Flimmaker, "Dharavi, Slum...
Event: Plywood, Concrete, Paint! Re-imagining the Contemporary Construction Site as Canvas for Public Art Location: Center for Architecture, 11.18.10 Speakers: Joe...
Event: New Tools for Builders Location: Center for Architecture, 11.29.10 Speakers: Onalee Finio -- Director of Technical Services, The Hilti Group; Larry DeGennaro --...
Students from MAT worked in teams to construct scale models of "green" buildings. One group built a spiral apartment building with green roofs, wind turbines,...
Event: Homeless Housing: LA and NY Location: Center for Architecture, 11.12.10 Speakers: Michael Maltzan, FAIA -- Principal, Michael Maltzan Architecture; Jonathan...
Event: Innovation by Necessity, Exhibition Symposium Location: Center for Architecture, 11.17.10 Speakers: Carl Galioto, FAIA -- Senior Principal, HOK; Frank Sciame,...
Event: NY Passive House presents: The Hudson Passive Project by Dennis Wedlick & PH 101 Location: Center for Architecture, 11.16.10 Speakers: Dennis Wedlick, AIA --...