By adding details and textures to a scale model, architects can help people imagine what the design really feels like. Using your project from the Building A Scale Model activity, follow the steps below to add 3D furniture and décor to your design! The video below demonstrates how to use the scaled furniture templates we have provided.
Materials: 3D furniture templates at ½” = 1’ scale ▪ Colored pencils or crayons ▪ Fabric or other collage materials ▪ Scissors ▪ Glue ▪ Tape
Step 1: Print our 3D furniture templates or use them as a guide to create your own by measuring the length, width, and height of your furniture and drawing the different pieces to scale using a ½ ” = 1’ scale ruler.
Step 2: Cut along the solid lines of the furniture. Add color and details using colored pencils or crayons, fabric, or patterned paper.
Step 3: Fold along the dotted lines of the furniture. Glue or tape the tabs as required.
Step 4: Arrange the scale furniture inside your model and share your final design on Instagram! Tag @centerforarch.