An infrared (IR) camera is a critical investigative tool for building diagnostics, used to detect a wide range of thermal anomalies ranging from air leaks and missing insulation to HVAC problems and water leakage. IR technology gives trained users a non-destructive method to accurately diagnose problems and vividly communicate building science concepts, allowing professionals to examine thermal bridging, delaminated substrates, and more. These tools have become more established in recent years as they continue to become more accessible and user-friendly.
In this session, we will introduce the basics of how IR cameras function and the essentials of thermographic data collection. Instructors will also demonstrate IR inspection techniques through a range of project examples and audience participation.
About the Speakers:
Rob Hosken grew up in Wisconsin in a passive solar home that cost nothing to heat on sunny winter days. In architecture school, Hosken received a green building scholarship from Senator Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day. Hosken now promotes a new green paradigm via his professional and personal activities. As Principal of Building Performance Architecture, Hosken has helped deliver the first Passive House-certified library in the U.S., the only ENERGY STAR Multifamily High Rise-certified apartment building in Western Pennsylvania, and many other high-performance buildings. Hosken collaborates with building teams to reduce building energy use and increase building quality through expert, hands-on QA/QC.
Erin Regan has been exploring and practicing infrared thermography since joining Simpson Gumpertz & Heger in 2014. Regan is currently a senior consulting engineer in the Building Technology group in SGH’s New York City office. She focuses on building energy analysis, finite element analysis, roof design, window and curtain wall systems, glass, facades, and below-grade waterproofing. Regan has experience designing, investigating, rehabilitating, commissioning, and managing construction administration of historic and contemporary buildings. She has used her investigative and infrared experiences to even identify water and air leakage at her childhood home on the Jersey shore (as well as giving her parents a range of repairs).
Rob Hosken, AIA, BECxP, Principal, Building Performance Architecture
Erin Regan, PE, Senior Consulting Engineer, Building Technology, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger