The Future of Museums Dialogue Series
The world is rapidly changing around us, and it is questionable if the old frameworks for the development of programs and space programs for museums will still be relevant tomorrow. What would museums for the 21st century become if we were to we take this unprecedented time to explore new missions, visions, and (space) programs for existing and new institutions? Join us for an online series of live conversations as museum expert David van der Leer, Principal of DVDL DD, speaks with museum professionals from around the US and beyond.
In this week’s installment, Van der Leer will be joined in conversation by Prof. Dr. Margriet Schavemaker, Artistic Director of the Amsterdam Museum and Professor of Media and Art in Museum Practice at the University of Amsterdam. In the monumental Amsterdam Museum building visitors can discover the story of Amsterdam through a large number of masterpieces, such as an aerial map from the Middle Ages and Breitner’s The Dam. Visitors can see, read about, hear and experience how the city has developed.
AIANY Cultural Facilities Committee and David Van Der Leer Design Decisions (DVDL DD)
Prof. Dr. Margriet Schavemaker, Artistic Director, Amsterdam Museum; Professor of Media and Art in Museum Practice, University of Amsterdam
David van der Leer, Principal, DVDL DD