by Benjamin Prosky
If you have been inside the Center for Architecture recently, you may have noticed that some renovations are in progress. In preparation for the fall season, we are enhancing a few of our spaces to better accommodate our programs and to respond to member requests.
532 LaGuardia Place, also known as the “Breakthrough Space,” will be renovated to serve our growing K-12 educational programs, with offices in the back for our education staff. We are also pleased to announce that Dustin Atlas, a recent graduate of Cooper Union’s Undergraduate Architecture Program, will join the team this month as our new School Program Coordinator.
The Ibex Training Center, adjacent to Tafel Hall, will also become more multifunctional. The renovation will result in another flexible meeting space for committees. Additionally, in response to member requests, we will once again restore the Chapter library. Built-in shelving along the south wall will accommodate the AIANY’s book collection, which will be made available for open consultation. A special section featuring the books from Oculus Book Talks will be kept updated. And new laptops will replace the desktop computers, which will be stored. The flexible design will allow us to easily convert the room into a computer lab for hosting the range of digital training courses we provide.
Finally, the Silman room will remain largely the same, but the carpeting and some other repairs will be made following a leak. As always, feel free to wave when you pass or stop by my office, where there will be fewer file cabinets and some new furniture.