by Center for Architecture
Update as of 3/20/2020:
Dear Friends,
We hope you are doing well and staying safe and healthy during this challenging time. As circumstances continue to change quickly, we are committed to providing our community with weekly updates.
As of today, Friday, March 20, we are announcing that the Center for Architecture and AIA New York offices will remain closed through April 30. If possible, we hope to reopen soon after. In the meantime:
Special Events
– Guess-A-Sketch: Please save the date for our rescheduled Guess-A-Sketch event, which we are now planning to hold on Thursday, June 18 at the Center for Architecture.
– AIANY Honors and Awards Luncheon: The Honors and Awards Luncheon will not be held as previously planned on Friday, April 17. Please save the date for our rescheduled event on Tuesday, July 7, still at Cipriani Wall Street.
Member Resources
– AIA New York has developed a list of COVID-19 Resources, with information and tips on remote work, business and legal issues, continuing education, small business support, and more.
– Email if you have tips or support to offer your colleagues. We will continue to add resources as the situation evolves.
– Marketplace website listings are now FREE for members. You can use this platform to request or offer services or assistance. Email to post your listing.
– AIANY and the Center for Architecture continue to plan programs for our members and the public. We are in the process of converting as many programs as we can to webinar format. Please visit our Calendar to see what events may become available to join remotely.
– All tours—both walking tours and boat tours—are canceled through the end of April.
K-12 Education
– All K-12 school programs—both onsite and offsite—are suspended until schools reopen. We hope to be able to reschedule missed classes at that time.
– Youth and Family programs scheduled to take place at the Center for Architecture through April 30 will also be rescheduled, converted to remote learning formats, or canceled. Registrants will be contacted by staff with further details regarding particular programs.
– Please visit the Educational Resources section at the bottom of our K-12 webpage to access free digital learning resources while the Center for Architecture is closed.
– As soon as we are able to reopen our galleries, we will be resuming our exhibitions program with an altered schedule. In the meantime, our team is exploring ways to share content digitally. Visit our Exhibitions page for updates.
How You Can Help
– If you are able, please consider making a direct donation to the Center for Architecture. Our K-12 programs have been especially hard hit by cancelations. Your generosity will help us provide digital resources during this time, in addition to making it possible for us to ramp these programs back up when we reopen, and to keep them accessible to as broad a group of students and schools as possible.
Update as of 3/13/2020:
Dear Friends,
In the interest of the health and safety of our staff, visitors, and members, the Center for Architecture will be closed to the public starting this Friday, March 13 at 5pm. For the time being, we will remain closed through Saturday, March 28, and will continue to assess how best to move forward on a weekly basis.
Public and K-12 education programs, lectures, and on-site meetings will be temporarily suspended during this time, but specific programs and meetings will remain operational as webinars or conference calls. If you are currently registered for an event at the Center for Architecture, please check our Calendar to confirm program status. We will be following up with event registrants with via email.
The staff of both AIA New York and Center for Architecture will work remotely and will continue to be available via email.
The boards of both organizations will continue to monitor the situation and we will update the website and our social media accounts regarding our plans to re-open. During this time, connect with us on social media at @CenterforArch and @AIA_NewYork, explore our extensive video archive of both organizations’ past programs, or rediscover past awards winners in our Featured Projects archive.
We will continue to be in touch via email, social media, and on our website with updates to our response.
Thank you for your understanding as we work together to serve our community. We hope you are staying healthy and safe during this challenging time.
AIA New York and the Center for Architecture
Update as of 3/10/2020:
In light of recommendations made by City Hall, New York State authorities, and the CDC, AIA New York and the Center for Architecture will be making some adjustments to our events and programs schedule.
Please note that for the time being, the Center for Architecture will remain open during its normal hours (M-F 9am-8pm, Sat 11am-5pm). However, starting on Thursday, March 12, gatherings which are planned for 35 people or more will be canceled or postponed. This includes all evening events and programs unless otherwise noted. This response will be in effect through Saturday, March 21, and will be evaluated as the situation develops.
Please check for information on specific events and programs. Some programs may become available to attend digitally, via webinar. If you are interested in participating digitally, please continue to register for those events; should a webinar option become available for a particular program, we will reach out to the registration list with details. CES credits will continue to be available in those circumstances.
Meetings at the Center for Architecture will proceed as planned, though call-in information will be made available for remote participants.
Finally, we regret that Guess-A-Sketch will not be held as planned this Thursday, March 12. The event will be rescheduled for late spring. Please stay tuned!
Watch for updates in the coming days. We will also keep our community updated via email.
Update as of 3/9/2020:
Please watch for updates in the coming days, and we will be also keeping our community updated via email.
As we continue to monitor responses to COVID-19, AIA New York and the Center for Architecture remain committed to the safety of our staff, members, and visitors. For the time being, events, programs and meetings will continue as usual at the Center for Architecture, with the following precautions in place:
* New protocols for sanitizing meeting rooms and event spaces
* New protocols for regularly disinfecting frequently touched surfaces
* Reducing food and beverages served and eliminating “finger foods”
* Suspension of invitations to speakers traveling from high-risk locations
* Providing hand sanitizer and encouraging hand washing
You can help ensure a safe and healthy environment for everyone at the Center for Architecture by practicing the following:
* Follow CDC guidelines, especially regarding regular hand washing or sanitizing
* Greet friends and colleagues while minimizing physical contact
* If you are experiencing symptoms of illness of any kind, please join us for an event or program after you are feeling better
Thank for helping us keep our community healthy. We hope you will continue to enjoy events and programs at the Center for Architecture while taking all appropriate steps to keep yourself and others safe.