The Future of Cultural Centers Dialogue Series
As the world rapidly changes around us, old frameworks for the development of cultural centers looks less and less relevant. During the Summer and Fall of 2020, AIA New York will look specifically at museums, questioning what would happen if we were to take this unprecedented time to explore new missions, visions, and (spatial) programs for existing and new museums. What will 21st-century museums be like? Join us for this Fall line-up of conversations as cultural forecaster and museum expert David van der Leer, Principal of DVDL DD, speaks with museum professionals from around the US and beyond.
In this week’s installment, Van der Leer will be joined in conversation by Miranda Massie, Director of The Climate Museum. The climate crisis is the defining challenge of our time. The Climate Museums seeks to inspire action on the climate crisis with programming across the arts and sciences that deepens understanding, builds connections, and advances just solutions. The Climate Museum is creating a culture for action on climate, inviting people from all walks of life into the conversation and building community around just solutions.
Organized by
AIANY Cultural Facilities Committee and DVDL DD
Miranda Massie, Director, The Climate Museum
David van der Leer, Principal, DVDL DD