Landscape and architecture are infinitely intertwined as they alternate in the roles of figure and backdrop from rural to urban settings. Shaping nature around us in ways that allow us to maintain a connection with it, whether in our daily lives or as excursions and escape from our routine, is one of the topics that will be explored in this panel discussion that will focus on the role of women in the field of landscape architecture.
Laura Starr, FASLA, LEED AP, Partner, Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners PLLC
Pamela Burton, FASLA, LEED, Green Associate Principal and President, Pamela Burton & Company
Andrea Cochran, FASLA, Principal, Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture
Kim Mathews, ALA, FASLA, Principal, Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects
Organized by:
AIANY Global Dialogues Committee, AIANY Women in Architecture Committee