Hosted by the American Institute of Architects New York and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the annual FitCity conference champions the role of Active Design in building strong and sustainable communities. Since 2006,
FitCity has served as a platform for exchanging ideas, informing strategies, and advancing a community of practice to promote health through the design of the built environment.
This year, FitCity lands in Queens, New York’s largest and most diverse borough, a fitting backdrop to explore how designers, policymakers, public health professionals, community advocates, and funders work hand-in-hand with local residents to create healthy neighborhoods informed and guided by strong community engagement.
Panel discussions, keynote presentations, and workshops will highlight architectural best practices for designing inclusive spaces that reflect and celebrate a diversity of people and uses, engagement strategies to connect people and places around long-term planning and stewardship, as well as the latest research linking public space, cultural assets, social connectivity, and neighborhood health.
Welcome and Introduction
• Yianice Hernandez, Director, Active Living, Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention and Tobacco Control, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Opening Keynote – Agency as Activist: Race to Justice
• Dr. Mary T. Bassett, MD MPH, Commissioner, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Morning Panel – Civic Life Matters: Exploring Community Anchors in Queens
• Nupur Chaudhury, MUP, MPH, Program Officer, New York State Health Foundation (Moderator)
• Thomas Balsley, FASLA, Principal, SWA/Balsley
• Deborah Marton, Executive Director, New York Restoration Project
• Kim McNeil-Capers, Director of Community Engagement, Queens Library
• Prerana Reddy, Director of Public Events, Queens Museum
Organized by:
AIA New York and NYC Department of Health