by Martta Sareva
The Center for Architecture is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2015 Douglas Haskell Award for Student Journals. This year the Scholarship Committee granted the award to ISSUES, the undergraduate journal of Washington University in St. Louis.
ISSUES was first published in 2012 by students who wanted to address the social implications of urban planning and design projects. According to the journal description submitted with the application, ISSUES serves as “a diverse platform for the discussion of pressing problems affecting urban communities around the world.” The journal has a multidisciplinary approach and uses a wide spectrum of media, resulting in a broad readership. The winning issue of the 2015 Haskell Award is available online here.
The Douglas Haskell Award for Student Journals was founded to encourage student journalism on architecture, planning and related subjects, and to foster regard for intelligent criticism among future professionals, and is awarded annually. More information is available at